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AnoxiBug Pest Control


Use:The AnoxiBug is a 100% effective anoxia pest control treatment, making it possible to eliminate insect pests from organic materials cost-effectively and efficiently.


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Non-toxic anoxia pest control

The AnoxiBug (previously known as ZerO2) anoxia pest control solution is a revolutionary atmospheric control method, making it possible to eliminate insect pests from organic materials cost effectively and efficiently. The AnoxiBug is the first product of its kind that can eradicate damaging insect pests from organic materials 100% effectively without the need for expensive chemical treatments.

The treatment process is simple and effective and can be used by in-house staff at a convenient time with minimal disruption. The oxygen scavenger Is based on oxidation of metal (iron) and has earned a reputation as a consistently made product. Simply place the applicable item(s) into the relevant container – flexicube, flexiart bag or flexitube. Insert an oxygen sensor and scavengers then seal the bag. The oxygen sensor LED will turn green when oxygen levels have fallen and treatment is in progress. Treatment usually takes 30 days to complete.

Not only is the AnoxiBug system chemical-free, it’s also hugely cost effective in comparison with all other insect pest control treatments.

Hanwell Pro AnoxiBug Features

  • Safe, long-term storage protection
  • Artefacts stored in bags are protected from long-term infestation, light and UV
  • Does not contain residual pesticides, such as malathion and permethrin
  • Does not contain harmful gases, such as methyl bromide and phosphine

Benefits of the Hanwell Pro AnoxiBug

  • Cost effective and reliable
  • Stress-free, easy-to-follow method
  • Artefacts never leave protection of your own building
  • A fraction of the cost of other methods
Project Case
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